:beers: Restaurant/Brewery Neighborhood Selection

- 1 min


Restaurant/Brewery Neighborhood Selection

Capstone Project for IBM Data Science Professional Certificate via Coursera (First True Data Science Project). A completed report can be viewed here.

Introduction/Business Problem

The basis of this study is to help a small group of investors planning to open their first U.S. based brewery / restaurant expansion in Toronto. Being that Toronto is the most populated city in Canada, and continually ranks as an important global city based on a high quality of living, the choice to expand into the neighbor of the north market was an easy selection for the investing group. However, with limited knowledge of the Toronto market, the group of investors have selected us to assist in the selection of which areas of Toronto will facilitate a launch of their brewery / restaurant expansion.

They are interested in building in an area that meets the following criteria:

With these criteria given by the investing group, based on previous success in other markets, the objective is to locate and recommend to the investors, the target audience, which neighborhood(s) of Toronto will be the best choice to start their international growth plan. The information gained will assist in choosing the right location by providing data about the population of each neighborhood, in addition to other established venues present in these areas.

Additionally, this information could be of interest to other potential investors looking to open a new restaurant or entertainment venue in Toronto.

GitHub repository can be found here: GitHub
Final Report can be found here: Final Report

Doug Marcum

Doug Marcum

Data Science | Machine Learning | Storytelling

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