Doug Marcum

Doug Marcum

Data Science | Machine Learning | Storytelling

Projects / Portfolio

:bar_chart: Recent Tableau Examples

– A few Tableau dashboards created recently at Angi.

:moneybag: Bitcoin Sentiment Analysis and Market Predictions

– The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is challenging our notions on what constitutes a currency or an asset. Are powerful investors manipulating the market by unregulated commentary on Twitter? Can we predict the volatile swings regarding Bitcoin pricing?

:robot: Movie Recommending Chatbot

- By utilizing Rasa and IMDb data, we will explore the creation of a conversational movie recommending chatbot. This is a combination of tutorial and investigation into why many still avoid interacting with chatbots.

:football: NFL Gambling

- Sports gambling is a growing phenomenon, so we examine the utilization of predictive analytics in making wager selections.

:hospital: Breast Cancer Analysis and Predictions

- Machine learning can be used in the fight to diagnose cancerous breast masses, thus increasing the likelihood of successful treatment.

:baseball: Case Study - Promotional Events for the Los Angeles Dodgers

- Can we determine the best day to hold a promotion, in order to increase attendance for the Los Angeles Dodgers?

:airplane: Airline Safety Visualizations

- A collection of various visualizations centered on the topic of Airline Safety.

:canada: Toronto Crime Relationships

- A report focused on reviewing multiple sources, by different means, to determine various relationships within Toronto.

:spoon: Cereal Consumer Rating

- Breakfast cereal comes in all shapes and sizes, but are there certain features that can predict how a consumer will rate a cereal?

:basketball: NBA MVP Prediction

- Can the NBA MVP be predicted based on no specified criteria from the league?

:trophy: Defense or Offense Win Championships

- An analysis into the adage, Defense Wins Championships, to determine if defense or offense is more impactful.

:computer: Assorted Python Code

- Samples of Python coded projects built while learning the fundamentals of the language.

:bar_chart: Research Poster and Paper

- Research Poster and Paper to explore the impact Daryl Morey has had on the NBA.

:beers: Restaurant/Brewery Neighborhood Selection

- A project to determine the best neighborhoods to open a new restaurant / brewery in Toronto, based on client specifications.
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