:robot: Movie Recommending Chatbot

- 1 min


Conversational Movie Recommending Chatbot

Chatbots are an excellent tool for communication utilized by nearly every industry. Chatbot chat sessions can cut customer service costs by more than an estimated 30%. Additionally, chatbots will help reduce business costs by approximately $8 billion by 2022. On any given day, we can expect to interact with a chatbot in some form. From contacting customer service to booking a flight or asking for the weather, chatbots are becoming engrained in our society. With this, why is there still resistance to their full utilization? Most surveys show that the average consumer would prefer to contact a human instead of directly working through a chatbot. Is this related to poor chatbot design? Is it a generational issue? Before explaining complex questions like these, we must examine the elements composing chatbots to understand specific nuances fully. This project's design allows for exploration into two arenas, recommendation engines, and conversational chatbots. A functioning movie recommendation engine was integrated into a Rasa generated chatbot to highlight and showcase elements from each.

GitHub repository can be found here: GitHub
The final report can be found here: Final Report
Presentation can be found here: Presentation

Doug Marcum

Doug Marcum

Data Science | Machine Learning | Storytelling

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